Bruce Nierenberg

Retail & Broker Expert

Bruce Nierenberg has 30+ years of experience in the organic and natural food industry. During his career, he has founded two companies, and has been involved in numerous investments and projects within the food and beverage industry.

In 1984, he founded B.I.N. Sales and Marketing Inc.  B.I.N. represented brand leading natural product companies including Amy’s, Green & Blacks, Health Valley, Organic Valley, and Newman’s Own, among others. B.I.N. was the leading natural products sales & marketing agency on the East Coast and was selected twice as “One of the 50 Best Small & Medium Companies to Work For in America” by the Society for Human Resource Management. In 2006, B.I.N. was purchased by Advantage Sales and Marketing, a leading national sales and marketing company.

In 1998 Bruce co-founded Organic Brands. In 2007, Organic Brands was purchased by United Natural Foods (NYSE: UNFI), the leading distributor of natural products in the U.S.

Bruce was also a broker, investor, board member, and Chairman of the Compensation committee for Glaceau Vitamin Water.

Currently, Bruce advises many consumer products companies and private equity funds. He specializes in the green, natural, and organic sectors. He is actively involved with City Harvest, the original charitable food rescue organization in New York.